You are a music publisher and are looking for a partner? No matter whether you are based in Germany or abroad and how large your catalogue is, we are sure to find the right cooperation. Let's bundle our competences and become even more powerful together. Regular dialogue is extremely important to us. We would also be happy about joint cowriting sessions and songwriting camps. Get in touch with us and we'll discuss how we can get things moving together.

What we can do for you

  • Sub-publishing for foreign publishers as a representative in Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom
  • Administration and accounting with collecting societies
  • Joint songwriting camps
  • Monitoring, income tracking, claiming
  • Accounting

What we promise you

  • Clearly understandable agreements, which are always individually adapted
  • Reports on our activities on a regular basis
  • Professional cooperation
  • Regular exchange
  • Transparent and comprehensible accounting
  • Proactive acting